Happy Birthday Marlane :-)

Today is Marlane's birthday, still 32 and going strong!
Johanna (Yohanna, as in the Dutch), elder daughter, didn't make the traditional card although she has been very creative with them in the past. This year she made paper daffodils, Marlane's favourite flower, in a small green pot. The soil is soft brown sugar so no more carrot cake for a while then!
Marlane loved it and was so pleased when she saw that Johanna had also laid the table for dinner this evening and she's bought some very special smoked salmon which she's going to serve with salad and new potatoes.

Julia, younger daughter in Afghanistan ordered, on-line, a beautiful Royal Doulton crystal vase, and I got her one of those blocks of glass with a lovely lasered rose in the middle.
A great birthday so far, and a Thai to come at lunchtime and then the salmon this evening.

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