Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

World book day

I'm confused, I think this is day 61 of #100happydays challenge but I've got some blanks to upload when I get time.

It's world book day today so L and I went to the library for a whole this morning. She overheard a childminder talking about letting the kids run off some energy outside so after that, she wasn't interested in the library and wanted to follow the other kids. She does this strange thing when she wants to join in with new kids. She kinda just plays her own game awkwardly alongside them, until they let her join in...then she goes all shy and turns her back on them. After they left we played horsey gallops until we got cold and came home for lunch.

This afternoon we put up our freecycle swing set. It's actually looks like a family garden now and the kids played until it was time for tea. I can just guess how lovely it's doing to be in the summer

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