Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Self Portrait

A friend popped around this morning for coffee and I meant to take a photo of her to blip but I after she left I decided to experiment with a new background that I have bought. Lastolite have a range of 'urban' backgrounds which will be very suitable for when I take some shots of teenagers. I have not yet had a chance to take some shots with different lights to see how the backgrounds come out, as on the weekend's the boys have been too busy to act as my models.

So it was up to muggins to stand there looking stupid to see how they came out - half were blurred or my head was chopped off - I find self portraits so difficult! By the time I was finished I had run out of time to find another blip so this is it!

I have to take Thomas to the hospital today for some blood tests as he has frequent nose bleeds, and although the doctor is convinced it is just a bacterial infections she wants him to have blood tests just to be certain. A nuisance as children under 16 years of age have to have them taken at a paediatric unit and the GP cannot do them.

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