More compost bins in the making

On this fine morning it was off to the allotment again, with the ill gotten gains from the friendly local builder I spoke to on Wednesday. It's a mile to the plot from our house and I've wheeled no end of stuff there on this trusty barrow (bought as a result of the gains from a win on the Grand National some years ago.)

Quite apart from wheeling the usual stuff you might expect in a barrow - ssedlings, tools etc I've been seen wheeling great loads of compost, very long floorboards (to make paths) a bookcase (shelves for the shed) 2 large containers which had seen better days and finally these pallets which went to make the 3rd bay on the compost bin terrace.

Most people you pass on the way have a comment to make - ie today someone said "you've got a wide load mate" and many drivers smile with resignation as I pass by as there are few footpaths between home and the allotment and where there are footpaths I'm not bumping my barrow up and down the curb either. This extra wide load would not pass through the alleyway we go down to get to the allotment so we had to stop and adjust it to get it by. And believe it or not there was someone at the narrowest point errecting a fence. Never seen anyone working in that alley ever before.

We had a good morning up there, without being assulted by insects (we think). Susan finished off weeding her 1/3 of the plot and I built the bin and dug 1/2 of the newly cleared land from Wednesday.

If that was not enough - we're off to the gym now.

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