Diver Driver

By diverdriver

'The Gate Hangs Well'

Or not in my case.

My neighbour smiles at quite a lot that I do and this is no exception.

We've been in our present house now for 17 years and whilst we have done little bits to improve it overall, the old gate still drops off every now and again.

And another sliver of wood or cardboard in the hole, and a jolly good hammering back in of the old rust hinge usually does the trick.

For at least four years now I have been trying to find a new set of gate hinges which I knew we bought while we were still at the smallholding, packed in a box and brought with us for just such a job.

I thought they had obviously gone to the tip on one of our 'clear-outs' until, lo and behold, I found them last summer.

I put them on top of the gatepost so that I would not lose them again and there they remain. Causing a smile from John.

So maybe next time the gate plans to fall off, I'll treat it to the new hinges.

And then again.....................why rush these things?

As a footnote. Travelling from Scotland to Leicester to visit grandparents as a child, I firmly remember passing a pub on the outskirts of Leicester called 'The Gate Hangs Well.'

Anyone else remember it?

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