Flowerpower's journal

By Flowerpower


I spent this evening catching up with an old friend. We have known each other since we were five years old and still get on like a house on fire. It was a lovely evening.

I then drove home past Wroxall Abbey. I used to come here when I was very little for a holiday camp where you spent the day shooting air rifles, doing archery, playing tennis, exploring the woods and generally having fun. I don't actually remember that much about it but I do distinctly remember there being a 'tuck shop' here where you could buy a can of dandelion and burdock with a bag of half penny sweets. Ahhh..those were the days. It is now a rather posh country hotel.

In other news my Year 7s taught me some 'yoof lingo' today and apparently something that is 'Bear Sick' is something that is jolly good. So I am now even more 'down with the kids'. (Although by writing that, I am probably not that down with them).

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