The story so far...


Fix it

Since coming back from nanny and granddad cam is obsessed with fixing things, especially trains. When daddy stupidly left his screw driver set out cam was the first to spot it and proceeded to try and fix his trains until mummy found him (a quiet toddler is always a give away of wrong doing) and removed the screw drivers from him. It was amazing that he knows exactly what to do with it but he will have to make do with his toy ones from now on. He remains in a good mood though and didn't kick off at all when they were confiscated.
Ollie moved up to breakfast and lunch today on his weaning adventure and is already showing signs of dropping a bottle. He is loving food especially with his teeth still waiting to break through.
Both boys had a 4 hour nap this afternoon. Mummy is not sure if this massive nap is a good thing or a bad one but it is great for getting lots done whilst still having some down time too. Much needed after another tough buggyfit today. It can carry on until we move please boys.

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