A road to ..... will I or won't I ?

Some of you will puzzle at my title today ... others will smile or even laugh because they will recognise the road ..... although they are mostly down here the Egrets do forage elsewhere but I usually see them along here .... NOT TODAY ... been busy and we had our Meg [dog] at the vet for investigation this morning, so it was a bit of an apprehensive time especially when we phoned at the allotted time to be told phone again and then to wait another hour before we could collect her ... well she has a growth unfortunately on one side of her nose ... inoperable but is now on steroids to reduce the growth if possible and back next week ? So at the moment we don't really know what the future holds for her ... she will be ten this year ... we are a bit sad .... sorry to burden you with this long read ... take care ....

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