Our Journey is a process

By journeysprocess


I am so bummed! I was out taking photos by a new place at the river. I was so excited by the light and the sun glints, that I stepped back off a rock the wrong way and "crunch, snap, crackle, and pop" went my ankle. Thankfully I was able to grab the side of a tree, so the camera didn't have to experience a fall (and neither did I) . But getting back to the car was excruciating. J took me to "urgent care" and they took X-rays. Thankfully, no broken bones, but it is severely sprained and has a lot of soft tissue damage. We will have to see how it heals.

I am so disappointed! I wanted to share today's photos with you. But climbing the stairs to my office on crutches isn't such a good idea ( especially on pain meds).

So please forgive my blip for tonight. Hopefully something better for tomorrow.

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