Ju Ming

I was really impressed by the Hong Kong Museum of Art, especially the sculptures by Ju Ming. My blip, of an interactive queue, is best viewed large.

After a walk up the infernally crowded Nathan Road, where I was asked 94 times whether I wanted to order a suit or buy a "copy watch" (which I declined politely) the Yuen Po Street Bird Garden was delightful. Locals bring their caged birds for a spot of fresh air and to converse with one another.

There was a different tranquility at the Tin Hau Temple. They have an enlightened attitude to photography, it being allowed so long as no flash was used, no disrespect was shown and no photographs were taken of worshipers or staff. I disregarded a warning to avoid ash falling from the incense burners, until it was too late.

I was equally impressed by the "organic scaffolding" made with bamboo.

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