Aramoana Seascape

Broke with routine today and took a trip down to Port Chalmers for coffee and a browse around the shops there before driving on to Aramoana and enjoying a walk along the beach there. Aramoana is nestled on the edge of sand dunes and farm land that greets the open ocean on one front and enfolds the Otago harbour on the other side (!!)

Port Chalmers is a quaint village supporting an eclectic mix of the creative, the wharf workers and during summer days welcomes a plethora of visitors off cruise ships.
It is a great wee village and has some wonderful characters living within its climes. Ralph Hotere is probably the most famous. An artist of world renown who passed away recently but who will always be revered as an artist and agitator. He was one of many who fought tooth and nail to stop the building of a smelter north of the village that now supports a protected sea marsh habitat thriving and supporting much wild life including NZ seals. Often have to make a wide berth around a basking seal on the beaches around this area.
The Mole is a man-made breakwater that allows one to walk out into the open sea elements and supports myriad sea bird life including white-fronted Terns.
Our canine Robbie came with us and was a very happy wee dog running free on the deserted beach whilst Mother and I enjoyed our own freedom - me taking photos and Mother gathering shells and stones.

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