My life in blips

By Goretex

Loch Ardinning

Headed off to Loch Ardinning after Bite@Breakfast. MP had come back from the kennel on Thursday a bit wiffy to say the least, and was in need of a deep clean.

Ardinning was flattie heaven today - extremely wet, muddy and boggy. She was shampooed in mud, rinsed in the loch and chased her ball for the final spin dry cycle.

I too required a deep cleanse after slipping in the mud, and landing in what could only be described as the 'superman flight position'!!!! Needless to say, Eubers plans to go on to Oakbank for a coffee were scuppered! Washing machine now on!

The sun has come out and there is a cool breeze which is in marked contrast to the hoolie blowing as we climbed up toward the cairn. Probably won't last long. MP also had her first al fresco lunch of the year - so spring must be springing.

Roasting some carrots to make some soup. I think my carrots have been breeding in the fridge - should check more carefully before I shop!

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