A Daily Dose

By suejay50

Church in sunshine

Today dawned beautifully clear and bright. What a delight.
Got the bed linen washed and out on the line before going off to visit an unwell friend. Did a few more chores before settling down to watch rugby - ironic isn't it - possibly the best day weather wise in ages and am still sitting inside when ought to perhaps be out there with the camera! Hey ho..... just hope there will be more nice sunny days in the coming months - the 6 nations will finish for another year soon. Great game for the Irish this afternoon - now it is Scotland and France's turn. Would be splendid if they won!
View from my bedroom window - making the bed and thought - blip it - sunshine on the tree and graves.
Tomorrow looks good too so might get up onto the moor to see if I can see some deer.

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