
By cowgirl

Hello, Rhea here!

Woke up fancying a croissant. Initial thoughts were to accept Sav's offer to pop to Tesco's to get some. By the time we were ready to go out it was already 11.30am as we'd decided to try somewhere new and it took a while to search for somewhere selling croissants, preferably beside a river/canal. So that's how we ended up going somewhere that ticked neither box!

I had Mezze Platter ( beetroot in crème fraise, red onion hummus, roasted peppers, parsnip crisps and hunks of Granary bread ) and Sav had eggs Benedict.

Then we had a walk round the animals, cows, ponies, goats ... But it was this inquisitive rhea that won the blip spot for today. Seems to manage just fine despite his broken beak. He inspected us for a few minutes before deciding we had nothing interesting, then wandered back to his two mates.

An afternoon of rugby - no surprise in Ireland's annihilation of Italy and I'm now cheering Scotland on against France. Och aye the noo!! Sorry to all the Scots I've probably just offended!!!

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