
By Cygnus

Where are you, birdies?

I got this little bird feeder thing as a 'stocking filler' for the Ards Man a couple of Christmases ago. Unfortunately the birds don't seem to realise there is food on it! Perhaps it just needs one to have a go and then others will flock around.

Today has been spent with No 1 peanut - first of all chauffeuring her around to visit chums (she's not on my car insurance and isn't sure if she has third party cover on her own...) and then we had a wander down into Newtownards. We were very good and didn't buy anything apart from some refreshments in Caffe Nero (why do they have 2 fs in caffe?) The Ards Man had peace to watch the rugby.

Hope you're enjoying Saturday, whether you are relaxing or working. Persevere precious and little birdy Robyn!

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