The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

this bissell is the kershizzle

I had a mammoth shopping spree at the home of aspirational living: LAKELAND. Man, there are so many things that you don't know you need until you go into a Lakeland store. We once visited their flagship store in the Lake District. That was one of the best days of my life.

Anyway, the most interesting of today's purchases was this steam mop/vacuum cleaner that we saw advertised on't telly a couple of months ago. It hoovers and steam cleans the floor AT THE SAME TIME. My cup runneth over. In a week that has seen much wrangling over serious educational issues at work, it's nice to have something as domestically simple and pleasing as a mop/Hoover that does two of the shittiest, least pleasing domestic chores at the same time.

In fact, so excited were we, that we were actually coming up with other things to clean in order to make a mess of the floor, just so we could use the steam mop again...

Philip busied himself cleaning the oven. I had put the frighteners on him by suggesting we get a man in...Philip cannot bear the thought of paying anyone to do something you (he) could do (but probably won't) yourself (himself). The threat of an £85 Bill to get the oven cleaned was enough, it seems. So, we have a sparkly oven, super sparkly floors in the kitchen and futility room and a cheeky wee spring clean in the en-suite.

We may need to reassess how we spend our weekends, I know.

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