March on the Mono - A different spikey thing

Lazy day of quick shop, play with MMB's rabbits and read.

RIP Bobby Blue - my valentine card Blip, have a new Dog Trust dog sponsored called Freddie who's a pointer.

Feel asleep early afternoon, so even lazier Blip of a plant in the wrong place. A spikey thing in my hanging basket growing very well, wish my other plants would do this well. Might come back to the chains of the basket later.

Maybe a hint of some gardening needing done, but hate this windy weather. The rainbows, rain, snow, hail okay yesterday but not the wind today!

Not used to doing planty things in mono, but this is okay I think. Change to B & W, contast 18%, sharpness 30% and brighness - 6%, clip out worst of the blurry not so spikey bits.

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