Cake vs games

Well it's been rather a strange day today. I was meeting Angela for afternoon tea this afternoon, our last before mini is born. Then I had my commonwealth games volunteer orientation training this evening. I honestly don't know which was worse...

Afternoon tea was at Club 29; a private members club in Glasgow. It's supposed to be lovely and we were quite impressed by both the place and presentation. Sadly though that was the only positives to be had. In fact, we have a new low scorer - 15.5/40. A whopping 4.5 below our previous low of Cafe Dijon. I can safely say, those were the worst scones I've ever tasted, blandest cakes and lamest service. We left sandwiches and cake!! The only good thing, of course, was Angela and bumpzilla.

Then it was off to my orientation training. 3 hours in the Emirates Arena and the most interesting thing was a giant thistle dancing gangnam style and the unveiling of our uniforms. The latter greatly outshone the former. The whole thing should have been an hour max or it should have been an online video to watch. The uniforms look pretty good though and most importantly, can definitely be reused after the games.

Apparently the next training will be for my specific role in the press operations team, which sounds very very cool by the way. I may have bagged the best volunteer role in the games.

I then missed my bus home and had to wait half an hour for the next one. I'm on my way now and it's packed too. Hopefully home by 9 though.

There's wine in the fridge...

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