Photos from my phone and

By Mylifemyphotos

A very long walk

Today we popped over to Newport Wetlands reserve, apparently good for bird photos and such like, however we didn't go completely into the reserve because we had the dog with us we had to take the dog walk which goes round the edge of the reserve, it was a nice sunny day though so we didn't mind until we got to the muddy section and it was really hard work especially for my Dad who has spinal stenosis and will be having an operation for it soon. There were some lovely tress and sights along the way and I had to ask Paul to help me pick the blip of the day, which is of the Nash Lighthouse, other photos that almost made it are:

Pretty tree

Estuary mudflats

Misty's walk

Still it was a great day and when we got back to Risca we went for a drink in the Welsh Oak where somehow Paul managed to shut his car door on my finger - at least it wasn't my shutter finger - am expecting it to swell up over night - but heigh oh these things happen!!

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