
By HighPike

Words by the Water

Spent the afternoon at the Theatre by the Lake in Keswick for two of their 'Words by the Water' sessions. One was by Melvyn Bragg and Pat Barker. The former went to the same school as me but he's older. How does his hair retain its colour? He even mentioned our old history teacher, one 'Jesse' James and how good he was. True if very intimidating.

The picture shows Stuart Maconie handing over a signed copy of his book 'The People's Songs' after the second talk on how pop music reflects the mores of the time. It was fabulous; funny, knowledgeable and provided insights into how TV and radio works or doesn't.

Stuart is a DJ (6 music now), writer and professional northerner. A good read is 'Pies and Prejudice' if interested in what constitutes the north.

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