Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


A day spent house-working and sewing. After school though we headed off to Jimmy's farm for pancakes! The mini pinks were very excited about it. There was a buffet of toppings, and each child had two pancakes to eat. And as many of the toppings as they could eat!! There was an opportunity for the children to flip the pancakes too, although mine declined. The event itself (and the friends we were with) were fab. The mini Pinks weren't so joyful sadly, and despite the early excitement, once the pancakes were eaten and the sugar had kicked in, they were in rather a grumpy and disagreeable mood. It wasn't my best moment, but somehow I managed to get two crying, tantrum-ing mini pinks into the car and home again. As some-one wise said, tomorrow is another day!! And there will always be more pancakes!

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