
By hgpayne

Ready, Action!

Our dog loves to play fetch, that's established. It is the intensity at which she pursues the ball that I really enjoy watching. If she can catch it on the fly she is that much happier. She isn't smart enough to judge the angles though and think, "It's going to bounce off the shed, then the fence, and will probably end up behind the orange tree, so I'll go there." No, she also bounces off the shed, the fence, and finally chases it down. Of course she may just get that bounce off the shed, or the fence first. She sure tries, and often succeeds. Then on the trip back, she'll drop it, kick it, and chase it all over again, before returning it to me to throw again.

It's all about the chase. And the ball. Gotta have the ball. My ball.

So I finally broke out the good camera with the 300mm lens, jacked up the ISO, set it to auto servo with the widest aperture I could muster to see if I could make the action freeze. Mission accomplished.

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