Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

Grand Central Bakery, Sellwood. A quick blip before my name is called to pick up my sandwich from the counter. My bag on the chair, lens cap on the table, hubby's knee.

The rain is back but it's fairly mild. We headed out to Milwaukie to Bob's Red Mill so I could buy flour for all this bread making I've been doing with the baking machine. The place was heaving as usual so we didn't linger for lunch, instead we stopped in Sellwood on the way back for lunch and a browse through the junk/antique stores. No treasures found today. We also stopped off at the Portland Homestead Supply store as they have chicks in and I wanted to see them, also to say hello to the two goats they have there.

This building where the bakery is located is pretty interesting, there are several internal windows and I always wonder what the original set up must have been, you can see part of one in this shot.

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