Can You Guess What's Missing?

A poor photograph but I was kind of excited by the fact that it wasn't raining, the first Friday night training session without rain for as long as I can remember.

Otherwise a very relaxing day, after the children had left for school I really did very little for four hours, cleared e-mails, paid bills and made a couple of Joshua's models. Eventually I stirred myself into going down town, Costa coffee was interrupted by the garage telling me my car had failed its MOT. Not to worry £800 should see it as good as new!!

Clare dropped me to collect the car as she headed off to work, Joshua trained in the dry and then Samantha, Joshua and I headed off to Prezzo's for dinner as a celebration of a remarkable school report for Joshua.

One 4B, all the rest 6's with a couple of 5's, all A's for effort. bar 3 where he got B's.

Happy parents

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