
I used to shoot abstract images of metal forms... Sleek, cool and mysterious forms and I loved the results. Then I became obsessed with photographing birds... So naturally, the two passions would eventually overlap. ;)

More feathers in large.

This chickadee sat upon the roofline above me, puffed to stay warm in the cold windy conditions. Now, I'll admit that it would have made an incredible shot if he would have looked down at me... but apparently I forgot my hat made of food and I wasn't nearly as interesting as that feeder in the distance. :-/

As I reviewed todays shots, I kept coming back to this one for some reason. I liked the detail of the feathers and the contrast to the background and it just reminded me how much I love abstracts! So, here's something a little different. Though, if you are craving a more traditional bird image, I did capture a red-bellied woodpecker this morning before the sun brightened up. He was timidly waiting in line for the peanuts. (I've never seen one act so timid!)

Just a few days before we leave to go south and I keep finding more to get done before we leave. Lists are supposed to shrink, not grow... Right??

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