In a Marcie Minute

By INaMarcieMinute


A special day today at my Godfather Leonard's 90th Birthday Party!!

Joyce and Len, my Godparents are dearest friends of my parents and lived at the other end of the block where I grew up. We miss Joyce so much.

This is one of the photos on display at his party. It was taken in our family kitchen many years ago and I'm so glad his sons Dave and Tim included this shot for the party. I am not even in this photo with Len and some of my many siblings... and by the looks of it, I would have been an infant or toddler at best!

This shot represents so many memories... as my parents and Joyce and Len loved to entertain together with many of the neighbors and Len would play his concertina.... while a cocktail (or two) were enjoyed! Many years ago, Len gave me pointers on his concertina and loaned it to me for what I think was weeks... I played it over and over trying to play one of my favorite songs he would play... You Are My Sunshine.

Happy 90th Birthday, Len!

Cheers to you!!

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