Full Steam Ahead

For a birthday treat for my father-in-law, this afternoon we headed out on the Tug Lyttelton for a nostalgic cruise around Lyttelton Harbour. Having been on the trip with the camera club only a few weeks back, it was quite familiar to me, but at the same time still very enjoyable.

One thing we did this time that I didn't get a chance previously was to head down to the engine room. My father-in-law is a spritely soon to be 83 year old (birthday boy reaches that mark on Tuesday) so it was amusing to see him shimmy down the vertiginous ladder to the clattering bowels of the ship, way before his son in law half his age did (I'm blaming it on a gammy leg and a camera pack that got caught on the 'mind your head' sign).

Amongst the pounding pistons of the steamship, I grabbed this shot of the speedos - yep, we were flat out!

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