
well, it was a weird day - we never quite got our asses in gear quick enough to do anything constructive in the afternoon. a visit to inverurie with all three grumpy kids in the car ended up with us trying to go to two places that were shut, then while we were at the magpie shop for a quick look the kids fought in the car and broke one of their ds machines. so no trip to the sweet shop as planned and lots of crying on the way home. super.

anyway, things calmed down when we got home and I managed to get this done - its not finished but I like it so far.

then we went off to the stephen's for supper and to see their new house. it's huge and lovely and very white and modern...but I loved the character of it before. always an interesting night - we get to see how the other half live. met a few nice folk. great food.

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