A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

That's Catchphrase!

The usual suspects gathered once again for a night of interesting facts, imbibing fluids, & above all, high testing IQ questions, for the Trinity Quiz.

Under a new guise & buoyed by the brains of some new intellectual elite, No Idea! took to the quiz like an egghead to the Mastermind final. It was a really enjoyable night & with the addition of a taste & smell round, it was hugely entertaining. Despite George's expression above, which just so happens to poetically mirror last years quizzular instalment, belies the pleasant evening he & we had. We were a considerable number of hours in this point, & the chilli & red wine had begun to take effect.

We were very proud of our performance, finishing 6th in terms of points, so it seems we're improving year on year. I can't speak for my team mates, but I think I might start swatting now, otherwise I might be hitting the subs bench next year! If on the other hand, they introduce more taste rounds, my talents might just speak for themselves...

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