
By sas05

dharling buds of ....march

sunday day ....pants...1530 start and gatwick airside ,,.,so thats not too bad.. todays number two on of five..later start today allowed for over a 4 mile row this morning and a walk round manydown farm with the herd of dogs. a roasty dinner before work,, as good as a work day gets.
yesterday was spent down in weymoth ,,,,the sun shone...really lifted a flagging spirit ,, its been a hard winter.. not the usual one of recent history where weve had snow to contend with..its been the rain and wind..its dragged.. and now life can once again blossom.. Its like an awakening and i suppose if we didnt have the darkness of winter then we wouldnt truly appreciate the sun.
We can finally make a few plans and know which direction were heading.. which is nice.. insurance are still dragging their heels on our outhouse..which is getting annoying now.. could have built it myself by now..missing the spa pool since weve not had it..but it will get there ..hopefully sooner rather later.

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