
By mrsc48

Golden Rule

I've been to church today, only its not actually the church building the service is held in at present.

Due to a broken heating system the services have been held in the village school nearby.

Today before the service two ladies were talking and noticed this picture and frame. Neither lady had noticed it previously and both have been in the school on numerous occasions over the years. It must be new was the opinion of both ladies as it hadn't been seen before. They asked me if I had seen it before and I informed them that I had.

The first time I saw it was when I looked round the school when my son was starting school in reception. he is now nearly at the end of year 9.

This is, or was the Golden rule of the school.

I think it's a great golden rule and not just for school children. Sometimes some adults may remind themselves of the golden rule,

"Treat others as you would like them to treat you".

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