Shaken, not stirred...

By NeonPlumMartini


The little cutiepie is the half brother of my son. Complicated scenario - little dude's dad cheated on my with this cutiepie's mum. They separated last year. She and I have since ended up very good friends.
What was initially us being civil for the sake of our boys, and forming a united front against our ex so that our boys get what they need and deserve, resulted in us realising we have many common interests and ideas on things. Our ex would have realised this, which is why he kept us as separate as possible and told us both horrible things about the other. Couldn't have us being friendly, because he'd have been outed as a vile person and not been able to manipulate things the way he wanted.

People are amazed when they learn that the ex's ex and I are friends... As anyone would be. People were particularly amazed today when I posted photos of myself with the cutiepie half brother of my son. Apparently I should be bitter and resentful towards him. Uhh... No. He's a toddler. He's innocent. My son loves him. He is the son of a phenomenal woman I am lucky and proud to have as a friend. And he is excruciatingly adorable.
I miss having a toddler, so I enjoyed every minute of toddler playtime I got tonight before he went to bed. He enjoyed every minute of our playtime... He especially loved taking a few ridiculous selfies together making silly faces, because that's what toddlers do, make absurd faces! This was an accidental photo because I'd seen on the screen what he was doing and turned to give him the "what ARE you doing" mumface, but he bumped my hand and the shutter button was pressed. Incidentally, I love this photo more than the others.
Ah, toddlers.
And I get to babysit him most of the day tomorrow. I wonder what silly things we will get up to.....

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