Mad hatter.

Hannah asked me to knit her a tea cosy hat. I finished it this morning. She asked me if I needed a blip, so here she is in the tea cosy wearing her new strappy vest. Because this is how we roll in West Yorkshire. Woolly hats and vests.

I'm feeling so much better today, voice still very hit and miss, but for the first time in ages, I had energy.

I've got loads done.

Finished the hat.
Showered and got dressed.
Took MrC to his regional poker final in Leeds. (He really can't win the Vegas trip, well he can but we can't go, not enough pennies and I can hardly ask for time off work, can I?!)
Bought wood stain.
Went to the supermarket.
Wood stained summerhouse.
Mowed the lawn.
Tidied the garden big style.
Made tea.
I'm putting in my Ocado order next, with my feet up.
Proper normal day. Hurray!

A voice that stayed with me and I'd be a happy girl.

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