International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day everyone! I'm lucky enough to know many amazing, strong, creative women who inspire me everyday. I wish this strength and equality was reflected in wider society's view and representation of us women. We must all strive to put a stop to the objectification, inequality, sexualisation and misogyny that's rife.

I spent most of today with my Mum; one of the bravest, strongest women I know. We went for lunch at the deli, and planned to have a fairly gentle walk through the woods afterwards. It was a muddy ramble, and we stumbled across an area near the top that had just been coppiced. As we looked round, we noticed all the off-cuts that would be perfect for Mum's log fire. After a bit of gentle coaxing, I persuaded Mum and G to load up and we carried three armfuls back to the car. By the time we'd got home we'd decided to grab three rucksacks and return for another haul. An hour later and Mum's car was packed full of free firewood.

G and I went to an evening in celebration of Women's Day in the Waiting Room; one of Colchester's newest event spaces. It was a pretty eclectic mix of performances, I'll definitely be keeping an eye on what's happening there in future.

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