Daily Wild

By emyjane

Sudden colour

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After months of grey & rain & wind & unpleasantness, to sudden burst of rainbow colour - the sunlight dancing on the new leaves of the bushes outside, the camera literally went into a dance & I just watched it while clicking merrily away!


First visitors

Amazing day, truly splendid! So warm in the sunshine. All the birds were so so happy, everything was happy, I was happy! :)

Off to Cornwall for a few days tomorrow, so expect lots of black blips when we return next weekend, going to our usual spot in south Cornwall, our usual cottage overlooking the sea, can't wait!

Off out to dinner tonight, just next door which is lovely. Almost finished packing! Did the gym, which was great. Tomorrow will do Pilates before we go. It's crazily only just over an hour & a half from our house, we never travel far these days! ;) xxx

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