Nicktor's news

By Nicktor


I made the trek to Edinburgh principally to watch my friend Mark's team, The Pars. So many lower league fans talk about - and make an effort to go and watch each others teams, but I've never heard any Premiershit fan be interested in even sharing the remote control for the TV. Mark's been to watch the Mighty Shots a couple of times, but I bet he was glad to miss us being beat at Tamworth which leaves us in deep relegation trouble. I've got a strong sense of deja vu here after last season :-(

It was a good game - despite it being the Pars first goalless draw in 2 years - and the Pars totally dominated. Just a bit unlucky not to be able to finish one of the many chances. We shall chalk East End park up as yet another ground where the legendry "Ooh it's a corner" chant has failed to take off. But then, I don't think the Pars fans do very much singing. Maybe it's the biting cold wind that stops anything other than the chattering of teeth.

However, the moment of the day has to be my first experience of a Stephens steak bridie. Wow. And so good, I had to go back and get a second one :-)

Thanks Mark for organising a superb weekend. I shall be back .....

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