Wet Dry Sunny Rainy

By eubers


Spent an hour or so today with the jet washer cleaning the decking. I've been meaning to do it for ages. It had gown into a serious hazard; covered in algae and other slime until it is as slick as ice. - the window cleaner refuses to clean the windows above it, a friend has had a fall, even the dog slips on it. Time for action: quit waiting for a dry day - it ain't going to happen.

So, the job is done and what a messy job it was. I got covered in all the mud and so did everything else. I've decided jet washing is really just an operation in chasing dirt from one place to another; you look with satisfaction at the lovely clean decking, only to realise that the dirt you thought banished has just body-swerved you and is on the back door - and so it goes on.

The dog was happy, she loves the hose, that is until she got hit with the high pressure jet and then decided she was not so keen and confined herself to giving me reproachful looks from a safe distance.

So the decking is now safe and I'll need to come up with another plan for getting rid of unwanted visitors.

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