Big Hill

By bighill

A light response!

I was standing at the kitchen sink, washing the dishes - and it was that time of day, around 3.30pm....when the light at this time of the year, is just so astonishing....i looked out of the window and had to stop the dishes, grab my camera and headed for the garden.....But the first image i came upon was this old raincoat, hanging in the front porch....i loved the way the light struck it....gave it an almost luminous feeling! but i continued into the field of goldenrods just beside the house. Spent a few moments as the sun was sinking, and it does this little dance so fast....lying in the grass, enjoying the moments of responding to the changing light!

Altho a few of my images were beautiful....this image somehow said more to me about that moment of being so aware of what the light and shadows were doing!

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