
or to give him his arena name of `Mondsworth Rising Style`
He belongs to our friend Stacey who saved him from literally going to the dogs just over a year ago.
He is an ex hunt horse who had a damaged tendon through being over ridden and the stables where going to have him destroyed and used as dog meat for the hounds. Stacey and her Mum asked to be given the chance to see if they could get him back to full health and at least be given the chance to spend the rest of his life as a pet just to be ridden round the lanes and field in Bicester.
They agreed and he was taken to live with Marions horse Sam and Staceys` then horse Sweeney. Sadly Sweeney had to be put down as he developed an incurable condition. Irish or Ishy as he is now known, went on to make a full recovery and in doing so helped Stacey get over the loss of her much loved Sweeney.
They have both come on in leaps and bounds and in just over a year are now competing in Intermediate Dressage and showjumping.
We went to see them today at Addington and it was heart warming to see the bond that the two of them have developed...

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