Serendipity Sun

I open today with an apology, for my silence these past few days. I have not consciously been quiet but really I have not been motivated to write, last evening I had some thoughts to share but I am afraid they went by the way side. I had gone to the ice hockey to see Braehead play Nottingham, at the end of the first period Braehead were comfortably ahead and had played better than I had seen them all season.

During the second period I was concious of my ring being tight and my palm being hot, it seems I had had a severe reaction to the something and, the irritation led to my having my palm bleeding from my unconscious clawing. I ambled off to find a first aider who took one look at my hand and whipped me off to the medical centre.. I only asked if they had an antiseptic wipe and a squirt antihistamine cream or ointment to try and relieve the irritation as I suspect it was the "foam soap" that started the whole thing off!!!
They swung into action, they were very attentive, possible glad to see some action of their own as opposed to the shenanigans on the ice. Antihistamines administered, hand duly disinfected and an ice pack in place of a corticosteroid I ambled back to my seat in plenty time for the last period.

The twins were a mess of giggles as the team announcer ran through the birthday salutations but dad got the last laugh as I was wished a happy 25th.... ohhh if only...

The heat seems to make the hands worse. The irritation persists and the hands are still a bit swollen but better than they were so mental note to self, when at the hockey carry the old wet wipes as the "foam soap" aint good for me. To get away from the heat I ambled today, glad to be alone clad of the cooler air around my hands soothing like the touch of a loving hand fingers entwined. Today's shot a serendipitous frame the flare not at all intended but pleasing nonetheless, I hope you enjoy

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