The Sunday paper in Painswick churchyard

Helena suggested a trip to a small museum in Painswick today and with the offer of treating me to a coffee and cake, who could refuse. It is only a five miles drive following the Painswick stream, along yet another beautiful Cotswold valley which appears to have hardly changed in centuries. We followed the A46 and then in town where the road narrows to one lane we turned sharp left in Gloucester Street, the line of the old ancient trrackway across country to Roman Cirencester.

But when we got there it was still closed and would be for a couple of hours more, it still being the winter season, despite the glorious sunny weather and blue sky. So we went back into town for a stroll and after fueling up on coffee and a sandwich instead of a cake we walked down the road to the famous Painswick churchyard. Its notoriety s because of the ninety-nine yew trees that are carefully manicured around the churchyard. There were a few tourists of several nationalities and a few locals, who are mostly of the wealthy retired sort living in the classic old stone houses. The council houses are farther away on the edge of town.

As we approached the rather old lychgate entrance from the main road, I spotted this gentleman absorbed reading his Sunday newspaper and had a feeling it would be my blip. But I have taken a few other pictures of the yews, and the old houses, which I have put in a Flickr gallery here.

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