
By elk922

Weekend at home

I normally love our action packed weekends like last weekend, but I always appreciate the ones spent at home just as much. I always get to spend lots of time with my amazing husband, and spend most nights with my eyes closed before I fall asleep thinking about how much I don't deserve him and how extremely thankful I am that The Lord blessed me with exactly who I needed. He really has turned my life around and gives me so much to be grateful for.
We spent the morning working out, then watching Gator basketball, buying Brian Regan tickets (!!!!) and enjoying one of the most beautiful days of the year. I put a chair outside in the sunshine and listened to my book while jimmy played ping pong and eventually joined me. It felt so good to soak in the rays.
After that we went to Bingo with his mom and it was a lot of fun. The people there are super intense about their bingo, but were so sweet and helped us out a lot because we were kind of clueless the entire time.
Afterwards we picked up some Tijuana before heading home to hit the hay. We were up kind of late for us! But the funny thing is it was only because we were out partying with the old people :)

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