Morning Light
This is what The Boss was looking at as he glanced out the window this morning before tweeking the blinds so he could make a Latte for The Bossess. I kno that sounds a bit complicated but the sun streams in this window at Breakfast and is right in The Boss’s eyes as he is stretching the milk. What a silly term this is. Even a dog knos’s you can’t stretch milk without making it into toffee or something but he says that is what it is called as you whip the milk into a hot frenzy with a steam wand and make all those screeching noises that prelude a cup of expresso coffee. I must confess I quite like coffee and have had some on occasions when The Boss spills something or more likely when an empty mug is chucked in the dish washer but leaks on to the floor on the way. The Dishwasher, pre wash, is a veritable treasure trove of tastes until someone notices and I “Get the message” which is often quite hard to hear….’Cos I am not listening.
Oh and Brarking News…The Boss’s friend opened a Blip account before he left so stay tuned for developments. He spends a lot of time travelling around NZ in his self contained CampaVan and is also a Radio Ham so leads an interesting life chatting to folk wherever he goes.
There is quite a bit of colour in the air and it was noticeable in my afternoon walk too but The Boss quite liked the morning shot. Change is out there now but he is still in shorts. Oh and I am still in curls.
sun strike?
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