
By hpx

Wind no2: streaming hair

Thanks to my friend and colleague yellow (and sometimes blipper) for helping me with this blip. (My hair is too short to give a nor-nor'easterly demonstration like this ;-)

Today was a typical spring/summer Canterbury day with a lively nor'easterly. Surprisingly it was quite warm which promises it will swing to the nor'west.

Wind from the east through to the nor-nor'east is the predominant wind from early spring to late summer. Head inland and there is a definite point where the (mostly) cold/cool wind off the sea doesn't reach and the dominate wind is from the west - nor'west.

In another life I used to help track the dominance of the nor'easterly versus the nor'west pushing over the mountains and across the plains. Often the easterly quarter wind undercuts the west-nor'westerly. Some days we can look up and see the lower level clouds scuttling inland on a nor'easterly, whereas upper level clouds are heading in the opposite direction pushed along by a nor'westerly. Check Cabbagetrees Cottage's comment on my yesterday's blip for an insight into wind across the Canterbury Plains.

Today's nor'easterly was up early, in time to swing and buffet as I biked to work. I seemed to encounter it head-on or at 45 degrees when it should have been at my back. I mostly peddled into it coming home. Now in the evening it's slowly dropping.

Tomorrow the nor'west is forecast to blow like a banshee. Wonder how I'll photograph that? ;-)

Thanks for your interest and comments on this project. I'm enjoying the first two days and looking forward to the challenge of the rest of the week.

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