Down Amongst The Dead Men

Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of .........................

I haven't been to the bottle bank for ages - I have been stockpiling them in the garden.
However, this morning it had to be done.
These aren't all mine - honestly.

All I did was stick the lens in and press the shutter.

But what I want to know now is -- why are there separate holes for brown and green but no separation inside .... although there is for 'clear'?

SWMBO and I are on 'holiday' this week from the kids and I was asked if I wanted to go and take pictures at some point ....... maybe evening shots in Edinburgh. However, tonight SWMBO and Bags are going to Glasgow later for a concert and I am having a curry evening with son-in-law (carry out as we will have the kids) and staying the night. There is a new bed for The Cygnet being delivered at 7am tomorrow so no lie in (unlike the women no doubt). I am teaching tomorrow evening. Wednesday is coffee morning and camera club in the evening. Thursday evening is 'diet club' for SWMBO and my friend.
So we might be able to go out on Friday ........ what a time to try and take night shots in Edinburgh!

Ahh well! ............ we shall see what pans out.

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