Mucky feets

DDW's March Vocabulary Challenge Day 10 : Mephitic = Foul smelling or poisonous

A bit of a different day for HV and me. Her first day in the new job, so she was up and out early. I walked the dogs in the early morning sunshine after they were confused by being put in the van. Both of them like the van, because they get to sit on a seat and they can look out the windscreen.
Anyway, it was a pleasant walk and the dogs raced around like idiots as usual.
I left them at home whilst I went to the first of two jobs scheduled for the day. Unfortunately the second job was cancelled, but it left me the day free to do some household stuff, and to pick up some parts from my plumbers merchant Alasdair, who follows my blips on Facebook. And yes, Alasdair, I still think Kayte is wife material...
I took the dogs out for the afternoon wander and, as usual they got filthy. It seems that mud is only worth racing through if it is very very stinky. Talisker was very pleased with his mucky feets today. Thankfully, he went for a paddle in the little stream that runs through the woods...

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