
By Houseonahill6

Bird song

The sun rose at 6.45am this morning and getting earlier by 3 minutes each day. The birds ,of course, start singing long before the sun comes up. The song thrush seems to start first followed by every one else. We had three starlings in the garden on the fat balls. We do nt see them that often and the wind was catching the colour in their feathers. They have fearsome beaks too !
It's been lovely all day but with a chilly wind. Had to stay in as my injections were delivered today. They were meant to be delivered between 8-10 am but arrived at 1.30pm. Unfortunately they had a problem with their machines.
Off to Brownies later, it comes round quickly. Making little model figures to go with the stories they made up last week. Hopefully they will have some inspiration fromthis

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