Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight


Two brave women of Islam origin who dare to question Honour-Related Violence.

The lady with the microphone spoke of her experiences from the past when she was a victim of honour-related violence by her father; she's survived his dead-threads and now must learn to live with his idea that she's non-existing to her papa!

She's written a short play of her story and performs this herself as the Conscience talking to the Actors like the Father, the Mother, the Brother who express their thoughts and worries over what to do or not to do with this Family Pride and Honour's Violence and Revenge. The other lady in this blip is one of the actors.

The lady with the mic, author and actor and victim in one; she and her husband, her 1st cousin, had been forced to marry one another as their fathers (who are brothers indeed) had decided that their children should marry one another in later years. They married as their fathers wanted and she thought that conscenting in this marriage would bring her refuge from her papa's fury. It didn't and she discovered that love did not grow into her marriage either and she wanted out from it; her husband agreed with her and accepted her wish, but not her papa!

She's out and a survivor, she suffered the mildest form of Honour Related Violence ~ but it's there as a result of an unsafe childhood too.
SHe's happy and proud of the fact she's broken this wheel of tradition for her daughters!!

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