
By CleanSteve

Kenz, my barber at Dann's in Stroud

I have a series of meetings today. the first one this afternoon went very well, with a wide representation of people from the District Council, Town Council and several local community groups. I think we all agreed that there is a lot of common ground about some key issues related to development so i am very heartened. I feel it will make my Thursday meeting a lot easier, which is one of six weekly sessions, and it will facilitate our production of a definitive report. Tonight I have a regular finance committee meeting, the last of the 2013-2014 year. Hopefully it will be a relatively short one as there are no contentious issues to decide.

This morning I went to have a haircut, which tends not to happen as often as perhaps it should. Simon, the owner of the barber shop, whom I normally prefer to cut my locks wasn't there, so I took pot luck with one of the two younger cutters. My barber turned out to be Kenz, who was taken on as a trainee when he left school two u=years ago, and now he is a full staff member.

I asked him if he would let me take his picture and I explained about Blipfoto and the need for a daily image. He seemed happy to let me take a picture. so as soon as I had paid I grabbed my camera bag, swapped the lens and took a couple of pictures of him. By this time his boss Simon, had returned and said hello and I asked if he minded me taking a picture of his staff. Previously he had let me blip him, many moons ago.

So thank Kenz, in case you see this blip. I'm very grateful for the blip opportunity and for the haircut, which Helena says looks very good!

I have added a couple of others of Kenz here in my Flickr gallery, as I wasn't sure which one to blip.

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