The Goose and The Gander

By gooseandgander

Take The Footbridge

We find ourselves walking across a footbridge over this street frequently. The other option, which suits a lot of the locals is to walk their way through the traffic.

No thank you, I'll take the stairs.

As much as walking up and down stairs used to annoy us at the beginning of our journey here, it's now not an issue at all. Especially if it guarantees our safety, and it's good exercise! However, even on the stairs, we have to watch out for fast moving motorcycles. Yes, motorcycles. There's always a small ramp in the middle of the stairs, and it scares us every time they zoom past without warning.

That said, I still love you footbridge, and I love looking down from you on the crazy nonstop traffic jams you lovingly spare us from.

~The Gander

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